Criminals use file sharing networks to spread viruses and other malware by presenting them in share lists using innocuous names.
Security defects in sharing software can be discovered and exploited allowing others unintended access to your computer and data.All P2P users should use caution to avoid inadvertently sharing data other than what they have intended. It should only be installed on JMU-owned computers if directly job related. Peer-to-peer sharing software should not be installed under any circumstances on computers handling sensitive personal data.

Use of sharing software can lead to inadvertent sharing of sensitive data.Distributing copyright protected materials is against the law and can result in lawsuits, fines, network privilege suspension, and/or action by JMU Judicial Affairs or Human Resources.

Without special care, running most music and file sharing programs allows anyone on the Internet to access files on your computer-presenting security, appropriate use and potential legal issues.
Here is all information about how to turn on network discovery and file sharing in Windows 11. Step 3: Next, select Change advanced sharing settings. Step 2: Then, select Network and Internet and select Network and Sharing Center. Step 1: Type control panel in the Search box to open it. Check Turn on sharing so that everyone with network access can read and write files in the Public foldersunder Public folder sharing. Check Turn on file and printer sharingunder File and printer sharing.

If you have other networks, such as Wi-Fi (if you are connected to a wireless network) or Ethernet (if you use a network cable to connect to the network), you can also set the profile type to public.If you need to share files or use applications that communicate over this network, you should also select this profile. If you choose private, this profile will allow the discovery of devices in your network.Step 3: Under the Network profile type part, you can choose public or private. Then, click the Change advanced sharing options option. Step 2: Then, click the Network & Internet part and click Ethernet. Step 1: Press the Windows + I keys at the same time to open the Settings application. Here, we will introduce turn on network discovery in Windows 11. How to Turn on Network Discovery on Windows 11 Then, let’s see how to turn on network discovery and file sharing in Windows 11.